City Council 9.26.22

Scribner City Offices 530 Main Street, Scribner Ne 68057


City Council Special Hearing • Monday Sept 26th • 6pm

  1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act and Roll Call.
  1. Hearing requested by Ken Matheny regarding 700 Main Street property. Property in question has been determined too unsafe, dangerous, and therefore a nuisance pursuant to Section 150.01 and Section 92.15 of the municipal code.
  1. Council to render decision.  
  1. Adjourn.


City Council Budget Hearing • Monday Sept 26th • 6:30pm

  1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Citizen’s comments on 2022-2023 budget.
  3. Motion to approve 2022-2023 Budget as published.
  4. Adjourn.


City Council Special Hearing • Monday Sept 26th • 6:30pm

  1. Roll Call.
  2. Motion to pass Resolution #616-22, that the property tax request for the current year be different than the property tax request from the prior year.
  3. Adjourn.


City Council Meeting • Monday, Sept 26th • 6:30pm

  1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance.
  2. Citizen Comments.
  3. Consent Agenda: (Items under Consent Agenda are proposed for adoption by one action for all items unless any member of the Council requests that an item be considered separately.)
    1. Approve Minutes from August Regular Meeting, Budget Workshop 9/12/22.
    2. Approve August Treasurer’s Report.
    3. Approve Claims.
    4. Correspondence.
    5. Approve Monthly Reports: Natural Gas Supt. 3rd Qtr. Report, LB 840 Sales Tax Report, Economic Development Director’s Report, Administrator’s Report.
    6. Motion to adopt Consent Agenda
  4. Discussion and possible action regarding items moved from Consent Agenda.
  5. Police Report & Nuisance Abatement.
  6. Discussion and possible actions regarding Nuisance Abatement items.
  7. Discussion and possible action regarding Ordinance 597-22, an Ordinance to adopt the budget statement to be termed the Annual Appropriation Bill.
  8. Discussion and possible action regarding the keeping of chickens in Scribner city limits.
  9. Update on Section 14 Project.
  10. Update on paving projects.
  11. Update on natural gas purchases for upcoming heating season.
  12. Discussion and possible action regarding electrical purchases and buying options.
  13. Discussion and possible action regarding request from Scribner Chamber to close Main Street from Pearl to Baker on 10/31/2022 from 4:00-9:00 P.M. for “Shenanigans”.
  14. Discussion and possible action regarding approving applications to SVFD and Rescue Squad from Nina and Vincent Cunningham.
  15. Discussion and possible action regarding painting grandstand at Spear Memorial Field.
  16. Next Council Meeting October 24, 2022 at 6:30 P.M.  
  17. Adjourn.      

**The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.
