City Council Meeting

August 30, 2021
6:30 P.M.

  1. Acknowledgement of Open Meetings Act/ LB 83E, Roll Call & Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Citizen’s Comments.
  3. Approval of Minutes: July Regular Meeting & Treasurer’s Report.
  4. Discussion and possible action setting date and time of Budget Hearing.
  5. Discussion and possible action regarding purchasing of natural gas for upcoming heating season.
  6. Discussion and possible action regarding cybersecurity update and proposals from Jensen Technology and 12 Points Technologies.
  7. Consideration and approval or rejection of the following:
    a. Police Report
    b. Nuisance Abatement Update
    c. Economic Development Director’s Report
    d. LB 840 Local Sales Tax Report
    e. Training Update
  8. Discussion and possible action regarding request to close section of Fulton Street from Main to 3rd on 10/02/2021 for a beer garden from Mel’s Bar and Lounge.
  9. Discussion and possible action regarding Ordinance #592-21, an Ordinance adding Production Cost Adjustment (PCA), setting user charges, rates, fees, and schedules for Water, Sewer, Natural Gas, and Electricity utilities.
  10. Electrical Generation Update.
  11. Update on 5050 Ford tractor.
  12. Update on US 275 Pebble Creek Levee O&M Agreement.
  13. Update on PowerManager software integration.
  14. Consideration and approval or rejection of the following special claims and matters:
    a. Approve actions of City Administrator in signing proposal with Midco Diving & Marine Services, Inc. for water tower inspection in the amount of $2,736.00.
    b. Payment of Inv. #537 from Hunke Electric wiring Scribner City Park in the amount of $1,598.40.
  15. Update on Emergency Declaration for ice storm damages, November 2020.
  16. Update on Section 14 Project.
  17. Approve actions of Mayor signing of updated Tolling Agreement with MEAN.
  18. Discussion and possible action approving arbitration to contest high February electric bill from MEAN if needed.
  19. Discussion and possible action regarding floodplain violations in City of Scribner’s jurisdiction.
  20. Discussion and possible action approving Resolution #603-21, a Resolution adjusting solid waste fees from Waste Connection’s contract with City.
  21. Discussion and possible action regarding identified paving and repair projects in Scribner.
  22. Discussion and possible action regarding premium audit statement and added equipment from EMC/Swanson Insurance.
  23. Correspondence.
  24. Discussion and possible action, final review of 2021-2022 Budget Worksheets.
  25. Staffing.
  26. Approve paying of bills.
  27. Next Council Meeting September 27, 2021 at 6:30 P.M.
  28. Adjourn.
    *The council reserves the right to convene into executive session on any appropriate matter.